Happy Birthday, Maya Angelou

It would be hard to top the tribute of the Google doodle today, the many voices reading her poem, “Still I Rise.”

But for me, Maya Angelou will always be first and foremost a prose writer, the author of the most amazing series of autobiographies I’ve ever read. If you’re unfamiliar with them, let me assure you you’re missing something: they are immensely entertaining, fast-paced, and she seemed to be involved in many of the momentous political and social changes the last fifty years. She was a dancer, a singer, and an activist, a poet and a writer, a voice for women, black women, African-Americans, for all of us, really. I will continue to reread her amazing autobiography every couple of years, for the pithy writing, for the adventures. They’re like reading Captain Blood or Scaramouche, only written by a woman, and all true.

First female cable-car operator in San Francisco. Part of the traveling company of Porgy and Bess touring the USSR. Dancer and singer during the Calypso craze (which I actually remember because we had all Harry Belafonte’s records — “That’s right! The woman is — smarter!”) Friends with Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and James Baldwin (who encouraged her to write). Lived in Ghana during the time when former colonies were gaining their independence, one after another. Commissioned to deliver the poem at the Presidential inauguration. Incredibly damaging and yet rich childhood. The documentary Bill Moyers made about her visit to Stamps, Arkansas to revisit the scenes of her childhood, affects me every time I see it.

If you’ve never read these marvelous books, start with I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. You’re in for a treat.

Something to cheer us all up

Last week was really, really hard. I am not even sure why, except for a horrible confluence of problems with getting my taxes done (other people) and work (other people) and suddenly the phone ringing off the hook with people wanting stuff (other people)! There may be a pattern here.

I still feel a bit peaky this week and need cheering up. Here’s a link to a lovely essay by Ms. Ursula K. LeGuin, one of my favorite writers, wherein she explains why she is a man. This is something all of us of a certain age understand.

So when I was born, there actually were only men. People were men. They all had one pronoun, his pronoun; so that’s who I am. I am him, as in “If anybody needs to throw up he will have to do it in his hat,” or “A writer knows which side his bread is buttered on.” That’s me, the writer, him. I am a man.

Introducing Myself (pdf) by U.K. Le Guin.

Available in The Wave in the Mind, Shambhala, 2004.

Please breathe deeply and enjoy.

(Photo Dan Tuffs/Getty)

Crow Lore # 3

Spring has sprung, and around here, the crows are busy gathering materials for their nests. It’s fun to watch them maneuver on the ground and in the air with their mouths stuffed full of grass or twigs or whatever else looks useful to them. They have that,’don’t bother me, I’m busy’ air about them, and don’t fly away so quickly when approached by clumsier, land-bound bipeds.

Like many social animals, crow offspring stay with their parents for a few years and help raise their younger siblings. Even when they move on and are no longer living with them, they will come back for visits and help out with finding food and predator defense.

Crow parents mate for life, and their families stick together too, especially during the breeding season and summer months. In the winter, large groups of crows forage for food and roost together at night. Seems like the best of both worlds: having a community to help with food finding and defense in the winter when times are harder, and then breaking up into families to provide more devoted attention to offspring when food is easier and the weather’s not so great a threat.

Kevin McGowan studies crows in the Ithaca area around Cornell in upstate New York (where the winters are brutal) and despite years of observation and banding, he’s still not certain how far crow offspring travel away to create new territories for themselves. It’s hard to study animals that can fly when you can’t.

Go outside and look around. If you pay attention, I bet you’ll find crows and other birds busy getting ready for their new families.

Happy Birthday, Olive Schreiner

It was after I decided to write my M.A. thesis on Olive Schreiner that I became acutely aware of how effectively women writers are “disappeared” by the male literary canon. Yes, it happens to all writers to some degree, as fashions change, but the disappearance of once famous women is much more dramatic. The uppity Monstrous Regiment of Women are put back in their place, their contributions mocked if remembered at all. I was amazed to discover that Schreiner’s essays and novels had once been read all over the world; that she had met Gandhi in South Africa, had influenced Stephen Crane, had had an influential role in the British and South African movements for women’s suffrage. How had I never heard about her before? I kept finding her unaccredited picture in photos of women’s suffrage marches in Britain (at 4′ 11″ with a very pointy nose, she was easy to spot) and references to her in the papers of the famous of the time. Women writers who embodied the cause of their times seem especially susceptible to revisionist rancor, and there’s no question she was an oddity. She wrote about race and class and feminism, but her preoccupations were just as much on the spiritual and moral plane. I finally decided her writing embodied a tragic philosophy, in the way Dostoevsky’s fiction and Nietzsche’s writings did. She was a spiritual evolutionist, a transcendental feminist. Even in her time she was hard to classify, but Virginia Woolf’s parents made sure she was taken to tea to meet the famous author, when she was only a child. It rankled her later that the child had been in no position to ask the questions she later had as an adult.

Born to missionary parents in British South Africa, before South Africa as we know it today even existed, her biggest literary influences were not novels, but rather the philosophical musings of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Herbert Spencer, the author of Spiritual Evolution. She theorized, with the urgency of her time, about what should replace our moral compass in a world where pressure from science and evolutionary theory rendered belief in the conventional idea of God no longer possible. Like Thoreau, Emerson, and Spencer, she replaced God with Nature, and with human intelligence that can see for itself the logic of cause and effect teaching us what we should and should not do, for our own sanity.

The Story of an African Farm is a strange and wonderful book, passionately felt, with an extended parable in the middle, written in Biblical language that completely flummoxed the modern Marxist feminists I read. Schreiner’s sophisticated writings on feminism, economics, and colonialism were comprehensible to them. But the acute spiritual pain she was addressing, her need to replace timeworn pieties with something vital and alive confuses feminists today. At the time, this was as urgent as the political struggles of the suffragettes.

That was part of what prompted me to write about her; it’s rare in graduate school to come across a book or writer where the literary critics all seem to get it wrong. The two exceptions were South African women themselves: Doris Lessing wrote a brilliant essay on the landscape, physical and emotional, that shaped Schreiner and it’s still one of the best essays on Schreiner’s most famous novel, The Story of an African Farm.

The other was Ruth First, who wrote the definitive biography at the time I was writing. When the biography was published, she was an ANC member, working from exile in Zimbabwe before she was killed by a letter bomb from the apartheid government’s secret police. She addressed Schreiner’s writing with great empathy and insight into the moral and social dilemmas Schreiner tried to address in her work.(Ruth First was portrayed by Barbara Hershey in the film A World Apart.)

Schreiner’s other attraction for me was the brilliance of her social analysis of women’s place as mediated by economics and culture — all the things Simone de Beauvoir left out — creating a more grounded analysis. She had grown up witnessing the stark differences between the place of women in the African, Boer, and British cultures around her. In some ways, she was a more accomplished social theorist than novelist. Her small treatise, Woman and Labour was more sophisticated, especially in escaping from the trap of thinking your own milieu somehow reflects “nature.”

I was in the process of recovering from reading too much social science theory (and the passive-voice writing that goes with it) for my cultural Anthropology degree, and here was a marvelous cross-cultural analyses of colonialism, cultural subjugation, and women’s identity defined by her role in the economy (hence her coinage of the term “sex parasitism”). She pointed out that the African women around her were more valued and contributed to the economic well-being of their households in ways English women were unable to do. Hobsbawm and the Marx circle took up her work and popularized it. Havelock Ellis popularized her ideas about women and his own theories about female sexuality (hot stuff at the time!). The suffragettes read her stories and essays to bolster their spirits in between forced feedings in Holloway prison during their hunger strikes.

But I digress.

Recently I read a wonderful “alternate history” set during WWI, Mary Robinette Kowal’s Ghost Talkers. About half way through the story, the main character mentions The Story of an African Farm, remarking that all her female colleagues seem to have a copy. She’s trying to decide if it had been used as a code book to encrypt messages. Kowal did solid research on the role of women in fighting the war, and amplified it with her “ghost talkers” in a way that felt true to the period, if somewhat macabre. I enjoyed it, but I was even more delighted to see Olive referred to as a popular writer. She was!

Happy Birthday, Olive.

two crows sitting on a branch

Crow Lore #2

At least two of the definitions used to separate humans from other animals that were common when I was a baby anthropology major have since fallen by the wayside.

The first to go was the idea that our species was the only tool-using species. Of course, research on chimpanzees, dolphins, even dung beetles, suggested maybe that was too easy a definition. Meanwhile, the crows were sitting back and laughing at us.

The other rubric, which seemed even more persuasive, was our effortless, embedded capacity for language. But there’s growing evidence that other species have something very like language, and in fact it may be our own lack of precise observations that led us to that conclusion (also the difficulty of observing animals who swim and fly).

Crows speak in dialects, and they change their pronunciations when they move to join a new group so they’ll fit in. According to ornithologist John M. Marzluff and author Tony Angell (In the Company of Crows and Ravens) their calls “vary regionally, like human dialects that can vary from valley to valley,” and “When crows join a new flock,” they wrote, “they learn the flock’s dialect by mimicking the calls of dominant flock members.” Crows have popular kids, too.

Listen to crow calls here.
What do they mean?

(Thank you Cornell ornithology lab.)

Crow Lore #1

In honor of Coalfeather and Kaark, two characters in The Third Kind of Magic,
I will be posting about crows today. Because you can never know too much about crows.

Crows routinely take on hawks, vultures, raptors of all kinds.
I’ve seen them attack the local hawks around nesting time several times, especially on the high power lines where there seems to be some jockeying for territory.

“Things as it is”

So today is the official ebook birthday of my book, but one of the reasons I chose today for the launch was because it’s the birthday of my late Zen teacher, Katherine Thanas. She was one of those once-in-a-lifetime people who arrive in your life like a gift, a real teacher, and she transmitted the flavor of the Soto Zen tradition she received from her teachers with directness and compassion. I found her zendo in Monterey at a fairly difficult time in my life, and it changed me.

She has a book out now, too, posthumously, called The Truth of this Life. The title makes me uncomfortable, if I’m honest, because it sounds pretentious. And Katherine was never pretentious; her subtlety and insight deepened her students’ understanding of zen, buddhism, and life far beyond sweeping summations of “truth.” She offered her own experience, her own uncertainty and questioning that made it impossible for us to settle on too glib an answer, too facile an understanding. She modeled “don’t know” mind in a way that felt absolutely true to the spirit of the teachings.

She often used Suzuki Roshi’s phrase, “Things as it is,” which captures the flavor of that. Slightly off, poking at you grammatically, but there’s a message there, asking you to examine your assumptions about what you think you know, vs. experiencing reality.

The nature of things as it is, is that we don’t really know what that nature is. Or our own. We have to stop thinking and experience it. Or try.

Anyway, Happy Birthday, Katherine. We miss you. I am so grateful to have your book, but even more grateful that I was able to experience your dharma talks and let them percolate into my life.

It’s T-minus 11 hours and counting

The Crow book launches in about 11 hours, at least for the Pacific Coast. It will be earlier/later in other time zones, (I think Australia will actually go on sale later today) but this is the one I’ll track, because it’s all moonshine anyway until there’s a sale somewhere, and it’s all I can do to keep track of GMT with silly daylight savings putting us back on a war footing for no good reason.

All I can think about is all the stuff that was supposed to be done by now and isn’t, since I’ve had to scramble to find someone else to do my taxes this year after the first guy unexpectedly bowed out. But we shall perservere.

And that’s incentive to get everything done this weekend, right? The rain will help.
I will be doing a little bit of tweeting and FB posts, and will try to be as un-annoying as possible.
I know how that can boomerang – (“I don’t know you but I dislike you because you keep tweeting about your &^$# book!”)

We’ll see how tasteful I can be while saying “look at my book!”

hands of two people bowing to each other, gassho

Time for a gratitude list

So today was the end of the local “genre” (aka sf/f CON)FogCON, wherein our heroine finally admitted to real people, in person and outside of her day job, that she is publishing a book and it’s not all just something happening in the confines of her skull, or between her and the glowing screen.

I’ve never really publicly thanked all the people who helped me to get to this point – and let’s face it, it takes a village to nurture a book until its ready to spread its fledgling wings and leave the nest, pages flapping happily in the breeze.

So in no particular order I’d like to thank:

  • My first Beta reader, Bryan-Kirk Reinhardt
  • My second Beta reader and long-time intellectual inspiration, Kathy Whilden, who read the book aloud to her grandkids
  • The unnamed grandchildren, especially K who wrote me a wonderful letter about the book. You know who you are and thank you for encouraging me.
  • The wonderful writer Ginny Rorby who ‘doesn’t like fantasy’ but liked what I gave her to critique anyway and then generously agreed to blurb it while trying to meet her own deadline for the Mendocino Coast Writers Conference
  • My stalwart copy-editor, Laura Blackwell (I added a comma there just for you)
  • Every cool writer who took the time to talk to me at writing conferences – Terry Bisson, Jo Walton, Catherine Ryan Hyde, John Lescroart, (I know I’ll forget someone)
  • The workshop participants in Barbara Rogan’s online writing workshops, and Barbara herself for her support and critiques
  • U.K. Le Guin for inspiring me in so many ways, and for talking to me about dragons
  • Kelley McMorris for making my dream of a cover come true
  • The generous authors who have critiqued part of my book, especially Christine Fletcher during the Oregon Children’s Book Writing Workshop
  • The kind strangers who read my book and then wrote reviews on Amazon, giving me invaluable feedback
  • And last but not least, Jude at Borderlands Books for letting me put out my print copies during the Con!
  • The wonderful person who bought the first copy, making me a real author (and publisher). You know who you are. Thank you!

I’m grateful to you all.

A big thank you to my new readers

I just want to give a shout out to the generous folks who have graciously written reviews of my debut novel. I know it’s hard to find time to do all the things we have to do, so taking a chance on a newbie writer is a big commitment and I am so grateful for the support.

Sometimes writing seems a bit insane, spending so much time talking to yourself about people who don’t really exist. But getting positive feedback from readers makes it all worth it.

Thank you!